Sunday, February 10, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. - Our family day was held at Wildlife Park & Zoo which hubby and I agreed on for a change. It was actually our plan for last week's family day but we decided not to push through because of the rain.
The sky was gloomy today but we still went to Wildlife for our planned picnic. We really had a great time together, and I guess our little prince had enjoyed it much than what we had expected. It was his first time to be in that place. He was able to eye on the different animals he just seen for the very first time. He was hopping with his dad and my youngest bro., while me, holding the cam as I follow them.
I never missed a single chance to capture the moments. So here they go...
My bro, bendyk and hubby...
It just shows how excited the little prince is...
(kaya adeee!)
hubby was nervous knowing that he'll be sliding with his 'lil prince, but bendyk insisted, hayz!
Nature Lover
We heart this bridge so much even during our dating stage...
We have been dreaming this since then...

To have it as the entry way before reaching our home...
Nevermind that girl in the cottage. She probably doubted if I really had captured her, lolz.
Yea, this is where hubby and I would sit during our dating stage. We spent most of our time in this place, sharing stories and dreams that we never thought would still exist until now. I terribly missed those days when I would giggle and laugh of his corny stories (joke! hahaha!). This place is what we call, "Our Paradise." The place itself had witnessed the endless dreams we have come to live by, the bungalow at the top of the mountain, a wonderful bridge that we'd cross before reaching our home, 2 beautiful horses that would wait for us should we decide to breathe fresh air around the ranch...It may sound exaj but who cares when all these can actually make us real happy souls.
Our picnic proper...
There's no cottage left for we had no choice but to squat on the grass.
Lakas ng tama ng hubby ko noh?
Trying to be a mom to my kiddo...
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