It's past 1:00 a.m. according to my computer clock. There's nothing really special why I keep myself awake even at this hour. I guess, I have just been used to staying late really and it has been part of my routine. But I must admit that it doesn't make sense at all since it affects my own system even to that of my work.
There's just something that is bothering me for a couple of weeks already but I just can't seem to tell exactly what it is. It could be emotional disturbance, I really don't know yet. While I know that I do have pending tasks to work on, I am just finding the best time to deal with them. I don't want to do the same negative thing again that I would cram just to get the job done. I badly needed the perfect time to do all these pending tasks including those I have set as my personal tasks. I am hoping to have it so sooooon, and I mean it really soon. Just like anybody else, I also don't wanna get caught up with these bothersome stuffs. It makes me feel uncomfortable. Do you know the feeling of wanting something to get done now and yet your mind seem to stop for awhile and nothing is feeding it to continue with more and more ideas? And listen to me now, am I already becoming nonsense here? I don't really know what I am talking about. I guess, I really need a little bit push and I'll be fine soon. And hope that soon will be later this morning. Let's see...hmmmm....
And oh, before I must forget le'mme deal with this tag from Sir Dex. It's been posted for so long I guess and it's just now that I remember this one...
How long have you been blogging?
It's been more than a year already since I started blogging. I guess it was early of January 2007 when I finally able to appreciate blogs, particularly the designs which I have been very much engaged with until now.
So far, I have more than 10 blogs and I am not sure of that if they are more than 10 or 20? Whaaat?! I know, I know they are too many. But the updated ones were just a few of them and I can tell exactly that I do have 10 monetized blogs so far. I need to update some of my blogs so I can also use them as monetized blogs.

Are you trying to make money online, or just doing it for fun?
Eventually, I discovered the different ways of monetized blogging from Pay Per Click, Pay Per Post, etc. or what is commonly known as the SEO thing.
I learned these crafts by searching more information regarding these crafts and applied them on my blog. I weighed the ones that seemed to be easy-money than the other sources. And the effort is worth it since I am now earning a decent income from this hobby.
Tell me three things you love about being online.
1. I am earning dollars just by getting online.
2. I get to know more peeps online and I happened to finally meet them in person, just like Diane.
3. The internet has been feeding me with lots of information that I wanna know without lifting a page from books.
Tell me three things you struggle within the online world.
1. I guess, I've been always itching to get online 24/7 but can't make it because of my other commitments.
2. I'm struggling to finish this tag since my eyes are getting droopy now.
3. I am struggling to recall if I have missed something for this question. So there I have it hahaha!
Oh it's 1:49 a.m. and it took me almost 46 minutes just to get this tag done, whew! I better shut this off now. See yah later guys! Nyt2!
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